
Wednesday 8th May 2019

                                             L OCATIONS This post will be about filming locations for my magazine. Chafford Hundred Gorge. Filming location number 1. Chafford Hundred Gorge Tunnels. Filming location number 2. Chafford Hundred Lakeside Boardwalk. Filming location number 3. Chafford Hundred Davy Down. Filming location number 4. Chafford Hundred Lakeside Leisure. Filming location number 5. Chafford Hundred Park. Filming location number 6. Chafford Hundred Sandmartin. Filming location number 7. Chafford Hundred Bannatynes spa. Filming location number 8.


 schedule    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Do research Go to the field after school Plan all of the scene areas Start filming a few different scenes Film some more scenes Take pictures after school Take some pictures after school Plan all of the shots and angles Do some more research